The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) proudly announces the appointment since 1 December 2023 of Mary Collins to the position of Secretary General after a successful recruitment process. Mary brings a wealth of expertise and 30 years of experience in economic and social policies, along with a profound dedication to feminism and advocating for women’s rights.
“When I first joined EWL 30 years ago, we were a team of four with a membership in 12 EU countries. I am so proud that today, we are a proactive organisation, representing women and girls in all 27 EU member states and other European countries, that continues to shape the European Union’s political agenda on women’s rights. I commit to ensuring that this continues to be the case while keeping EWL members as the most important driving force and the heart of our organisation” said Mary.
Before joining the EWL in 1995, Mary served in pivotal roles focusing on child protection within the Health Authority in Ireland. She was the first Coordinator of the European Federation of Organisations working with the Homeless (FEANTSA). Her commitment to addressing the most pressing issues and giving a voice to vulnerable populations has been evident throughout her career.
Mary’s journey with the EWL began with her coordination of the organisation’s representation and active participation at the Fourth World Conference for Women in Beijing in 1995, which resulted in the groundbreaking Beijing Platform for Action. Over the last three decades, Mary has been at the forefront of numerous critical initiatives, including combating violence against women, shaping EU asylum and human rights policies from a gender perspective, advocating for the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, and championing the UN Convention on Disabled Persons.
In her new role as Secretary General, Mary Collins will continue to lead the EWL with her strong dedication to EWL members and commitment to advancing women’s rights across Europe. Her strategic leadership and deep understanding of policy issues will guide the EWL Secretariat in its mission to support the members’ work and create a more gender equal society for all women and girls.
Please join us in congratulating Mary on her well-deserved appointment and in wishing her continued success in her vital work at the European Women’s Lobby.
About the European Women’s Lobby:
The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella organization of women’s associations in the European Union, working to promote women’s rights and gender equality. With a network of over 2,000 organizations across Europe, the EWL advocates for policies and legislation that advance women’s rights and works to ensure that women’s voices are heard in decision-making processes at all levels.
Mirta Baselovic, Communications and Media Coordinator