[en] Netherlands Coordination to European Women’s Lobby – NCEWL [fr] Coordination néerlandaise pour le LEF

The Dutch Council of Women | Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad The Dutch Council of Women ‘Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad (NVR)’ is an umbrella organisation by and for women’s organisations which was founded in 1898. NVR has over 50 member organisations and together they count over 1 million women. A wide variety of organisations belong to NVR: ranging from service-clubs and organisations based on professions, religious inspired organisations, female groups within political parties and traditional organisations to thematic organisations (e.g. on peace / sustainability). Purpose is to enhance the position of women in the Netherlands by amongst others lobbying (national, international and European) governmental organisations, informing and listening to members, and organising projects and events.
Nederlandse Vrouwenraad booth at Ninemonth Fair, February 2011, as part of project on work and equal division of childcare responsibilities between parents
Nederlandse Vrouwenraad booth at Ninemonth Fair, February 2011, as part of project on work and equal division of childcare responsibilities between parents
On the European level NVR is member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the European Centre of the International Council of Women (ECICW). On the international level NVR is a member of the International Council of Women (ICW). Furthermore, NVR has NGO-status to the Economic and Social Council of het United Nations (ECOSOC). Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad (NVR) De NVR is de grootste koepel van vrouwenorganisaties in Nederland. Wij tellen 50 lidorganisaties. Samen vertegenwoordigen wij bijna 1 miljoen vrouwen.

Contact details

Facebook: NLVrouwenraad Twitter:@NLVrouwenraad Website: http://www.nederlandsevrouwenraad.nl/html/index.php E-mail : [infoat]de-nvr.nl Address:
Laan van Meerdervoort 70 2517 AN Den Haag +31 70 346 93 04
Netherlands Coordination to European Women’s Lobby
Netherlands Coordination to European Women’s Lobby