EWL EU elections campaign event – 6 March – Europe at a crossroad: Equal participation at all levels

Poster Europe at Crossroads

On 6 March 2024, from 9:00 to 12:10 CET, the European Women’s Lobby organised the launch event of its 2024 EU elections campaign. Speakers and participants took stock of women’s rights in the EU and discussed what a Feminist Europe should look like.

Read our Press Release here.Automatic word wrap
Watch the event recording here.

The European Union’s (EU) current political term has brought significant wins for women’s and girls’ rights in Europe such as the European Commission’s first ever female President with her historic cabinet made-up of an almost 50/50 gender parity; the nomination of a Commissioner for Equality; the adoption of the long-awaited Women on Board Directive; the Directive on Pay Transparency; the EU ratification of the Istanbul Convention and a European Commission’s proposal on a Directive on Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. We must keep building on this momentum and safeguard women’s rights via functioning institutionalised mechanisms. Women’s rights and equality between women and men is one of the pillars on which rests the European project of peace, democracy, inclusion, equality and solidarity.

In spite of the EU’s legal obligation to deliver on equality between women and men and gender mainstreaming, i.e. applying a gender perspective to all policies, women’s fundamental rights are yet to materialise in practice; implementation and evaluation remain too weak. The 2024 European elections will be a turning point for women and girls in Europe and for the European project. That’s why it is essential to capitalise on the 2024 EU elections to ensure that gender equality and women’s rights are high on the future political agenda!

Democracy means the same opportunity for everyone to participate and to influence the decisions that affect people in all areas of society. A pivotal condition for democracy is equal representation and participation of women and men in politics and decision-making! What is required in 2024, and for the years ahead, is a change of paradigm, establishing women’s rights and equality between women and men at the core of the EU and recognising the value and benefits that freeing women from all forms of oppression and exploitation would bring to European society as a whole.

It is only by acting together that we will successfully face the current challenges. Women are not only more than half of the population but also key agents of change. It is only with women’s inclusion and expertise that we can find appropriate solutions and operate on a socially, economically and environmentally fair transition.

That is why, with this event, we invited key EU political figures and civil society representatives to debate the successes of the past term, the biggest challenges ahead, the solutions to implement as well as their vision of a Feminist Europe.


9:00-9:30 Registration and welcome coffee

9:30-9:45 “Vote informed – Introduction to key communication flagship initiatives of the European Parliament” by the European Parliament

9:45-10:00 Keynote on “In the rear mirror: European Commission 2019-2024 work for women’s rights and equality between women and men”

10:00-10:30 Opening remark by the EWL

  1. “Celebrating five more years of EWL’s work”
  2. Re-introducing EWL 2024 EU elections campaign

10:30-11:30 Round Robin panel discussion on “United front: how to realise our vision for a #FeministEurope”

11:30-12:00 Q&A

Campaign video from Barbara Hendricks

12:00-12:10 Conclusion