The 2024 EU elections are around the corner! Each European can have a say in the future of Europe, and ensure that the European project of peace, democracy, inclusion, equality and solidarity lives on.
Women’s rights are not only a women’s issue. Equality between women and men should be a concern for everyone and would be beneficial to European society as a whole, economically, socially, and politically.
That’s why we call on you to join in and strive to make women’s rights and equality between women and men an important topic in the next EU mandate!
Whether you are:
- a candidate for the EU elections,
- a voter,
- a representative of the media,
you can support EWL’s campaign and strive to advance women’s rights by signing our pledge.
Sign the pledge here and spread the word!
#EUelections2024 #FeministEurope
Join the candidates who already committed to advancing women’s rights once elected!
Evelyn Regner, Austria (S&D)
Ines Vukajlović, Austria (Greens/EFA)
Melissa Amirkhizy, Belgium (Renew)
Erika Schulze, Belgium (Volt)
Bianca Bäumler, Belgium (Volt)
Léa Charlet, Belgium (Greens/EFA)
Czech Republic
Manuela Haug, Czech Republic (S&D)
Zuzana Pavelková, Czech Republic (Greens/EFA)
Klára Školníková, Czech Republic (S&D)
Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Denmark (Greens/EFA)
Jan Kristoffersen, Denmark (Greens/EFA)
Rikke Lauritsen, Denmark (Greens/EFA)
Anne Sophie Callesen, Denmark (Renew)
Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Denmark (Greens/EFA)
Sirpa Pietikäinen, Finland (EPP)
Johanna Leponiemi, Finland (EPP)
Leïla Chaibi, France (The Left)
Martine Marjorie Fiedler, France (Greens/EFA)
Martine Marjorie Fiedler, France (Greens/EFA)
Pierre Larrouturou, France (S&D)
Mounir Satouri, France (Greens/EFA)
Victor Lachenait, France (S&D)
Frédérique Bonnard, France (S&D)
Justin Amiot, France (S&D)
Marie Toussaint, France (Greens/EFA)
Anna Maillard, France (Greens/EFA)
Marine Pondelier, France (Greens/EFA)
Sophia Popoff, France (Greens/EFA)
Aurore Lalucq, France (S&D)
Sarah Zickler, Germany (Renew)
Anastasia Vishnevskaya Mann, Germany (Renew)
Viviane Triems, Germany (Greens/EFA)
Sebastian Everding, Germany (GUE/NGL)
Maria Noichl, Germany (S&D)
Terry Reintke, Germany (Greens/EFA)
Katrin Langensiepen, Germany (Greens/EFA)
Petros Kokkalis, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Betty Beatrice Semakoula, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Konstantina Vardaramatou, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Christina Efthimiatou, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Thaleia Pantoula, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Zoi Niomanaki, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Dimitris Dermatas, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Olga Stefani, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Eirini Skouzou, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Chris Vrettos, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Στέλλα Μπελιά, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Periklis Chatzinakos, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Zoi Vrontisi, Greece (Greens/EFA)
Grace O’Sullivan, Ireland (Greens/ EFA)
Luke ’Ming’ Flanagan, Ireland (GUE/NGL)
Barry Andrews, Ireland (Renew)
Ciarán Cuffe, Ireland (Greens/EFA)
Pauline O’Reilly, Ireland (Greens/EFA)
Elīna Pinto, Latvia (Greens/EFA)
Ivanna Volochiy, Latvia (Renew)
Marc Angel, Luxembourg (S&D)
Aurélie Dap, Luxembourg (Volt)
Lara Marwaha, Luxembourg (Volt)
Daniel Silva, Luxembourg (Greens/EFA)
Philippe Schannes, Luxembourg (Greens/EFA)
Raquel García Hermida-van der Walle, Netherlands (Renew)
Susanne Caarls, Netherlands (Renew)
Catarina Vieira, Netherlands (Greens/EFA)
Anja Hazekamp, Netherlands (GUE/NGL)
Wesley Pechler, Netherlands (The Left)
Ronan van Langen, Netherlands (The Left)
Kirsten Weitering, Netherlands (The Left)
Elsa Miedema, Netherlands (The Left)
Nicole Dick, Netherlands (The Left)
Mandy Ligthart, Netherlands (The Left)
Nayra van Lubek, Netherlands (The Left)
Yuri Zandwijken, Netherlands (The Left)
Ellen Putman, Netherlands (Greens/EFA)
Robert Biedroń, Poland (S&D)
Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Portugal (S&D)
José Gusmão, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Anabela Rodrigues, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Catarina Martins, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Paula Cosme Pinto, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
José Manuel Pureza, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
José Augusto Peres Raposo, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Luis Fazendeiro, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Inês Antunes, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Rhia Lopes, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Norberta Grilo, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Luis Fazendeiro, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Bruno Santos Fonseca, Portugal (Greens/EFA)
Vitor Moreira, Portugal (n/a)
Jorge Paiva, Portugal (GUE/NGL)
Alexandre Abreu, Portugal (The Left)
Ricardo Filipe Martins Antunes, Portugal (Greens/EFA)
Pedro Fidalgo Marques, Portugal (Greens/EFA)
Sandra Pereira, Portugal (The Left)
Helena Silva, Portugal (Greens/EFA)
Raquel Pichel, Portugal (Greens/EFA)
Alina Girbea, Romania (Renew)
Ramona Goga, Romania (Renew)
Zuzana Pucikova, Slovakia (Volt)
Rick Zedník, Slovakia (Volt)
Lucia Klestincova, Slovakia (Volt)
Michal Wiezik, Slovakia (Renew)
Nicola Orlovská, Slovakia (Volt)
Lucia Aurea, Slovakia (Volt)
Jana Masarcova, Slovakia (Volt)
Milan Brglez, Slovenia (S&D)
Simona Mohamsson, Sweden (Renew)
Luis Lineo, Sweden (Greens/EFA or GUE/NGL)
Lisa Johansson Nåbo, Sweden (S&D)
Joachim Bergenstråhle, Sweden (Greens/EFA)
Gunnar Brundin, Sweden (Greens/EFA)
Leia Nordin, Sweden (Värdigt Liv)
Mats Willers, Sweden (Greens/EFA)
Joachim Bergenstråhle, Sweden (Greens/EFA)