[en] EWL Coordination in Turkey [fr] Coordination du LEF en Turquie

Women are stronger together
EWL Coordination for Turkey | Avrupa Kadin Lobisi Turkiye Koordinasyonu Avrupa Kadın Lobisi Türkiye Koordinasyonu (EWL Coordination for Turkey) is a nationwide women’s platform with members from diverse stances and parts of Turkey. Avrupa Kadın Lobisi Türkiye Koordinasyonu is a national coordination tied to the European Women’s Lobby. Founded in 2004, EWL Coordination for Turkey focuses on
  • Getting involved in EU policies from a feminist perspective
  • Putting public pressure to carry EU feminist agenda to Turkey
  • Getting involved in Turkey’s EU membership process with a feminist perspective
  • Getting involved in EU equality acquis in line with women’s movement agenda in Turkey and in the World.
A full description of the EWL Coordination for Turkey is coming soon, in English and Turkish

Contact details:

Website: https://www.ewlturkey.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/biz/Avrupa-Kadin-Lobisi-Turkiye-Koordinasyonu-EWL-Coordination-for-Turkey-2070850926277564/ Twitter: @AvrupaKadinTR Current address EWL Coordination for Turkey at Union of Turkish Women Association (Turk Kadinlar Birligi) Tunus Caddesi Çim Apt. No: 81/2 Kavaklıdere-ANKARA, Turkey
Women are stronger together
Women are stronger together