Serbia: Network for European Women’s Lobby

The Serbian Network for the European Women’s Lobby | Mreža za Evropski Ženski Lobi The Serbian Network for EWL is a network of women’s organizations founded in 2009 with the aim of promoting and improving the state of women’s human rights and gender equality in Serbia. This is to be achieved through independent monitoring and evaluation of anti-discrimination policies and respecting women’s human rights and gender equality on part of decision-makers at all levels, elaboration of joint public reports, reports of state representatives and EU bodies on the situation regarding the gender equality in Serbia on protection of women’s human rights, discrimination and affirmative action effects, as well as through initiating and coordination of joint actions of members in respect to all matters and fields within which the organizations, the Network members are engaged. The Network for EWL is an associate member of an international association-European Women’s Lobby since june 2010 and a full member from june 2013. The main mission and objective of the Network is to promote women’s human rights at individual, legislative and institutional level and resistance to any form of discrimination against women within both private and public sphere. The specific objectives of the Network for European Women’s Lobby Serbia are:
  • to improve relations between sexes/genders through sensitising public opinion on the value of gender equality;
  • to participate actively in drafting and monitoring of the application of state policies, laws, strategies and action plans that include representing the interests of women and the promotion of gender equality;
  • to create social conditions and responsibilities of decision-makers at all levels for full application of the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Optional Protocol, general recommendations, Platform for Action, recommendations and directives of the European Union and the Council of Europe and other relevant inter-state conventions and recommendations related to women’s human rights;
  • to participate actively in creating inter-state policies in the domain of women’s human rights and gender equality;
  • to help decrease multiple discrimination against women (Romany women, women with disabilities, women with mental disorders, women with files in psychiatric and/or correctional institutions, women refugees and displaced women, women foreigners, women from rural areas, women without a place of residence, women of minority nationalities, lesbian women, women who live in poverty, unemployed women, young women, elderly women and others;
  • to expand the Network and strengthen women’s organisations in Serbia;
  • to increase power and visibility of women’s organisations at all levels;
  • to promote the establishment of an extensive collaboration with women’s organisations, groups and networks from the region, Europe and worldwide.

Mreža za Evropski Ženski Lobi Mreža za Evropski Ženski Lobi je mreža nevladinih organizacija osnovana 2009. godine sa ciljem promovisanja i unapređenja ženskih ljudskih prava i rodne ravnopravnosti, pre svega kroz kreiranje društvenih okolnosti i odgovornosti donosilaca odluka na svim nivoima za punu primenu relevantnih interdržavnih konvencija i preporuka o ženskim ljudskim pravima, aktivno učešće u kreiranju politika u oblasti ženskih ljudskih prava i rodne ravnopravnosti, kao i kroz umrežavanje i osnaživanje ženskih organizacija, grupa i mreža iz regiona, Evrope i sveta. Od juna 2010. godine, Mreža za Evropski Ženski Lobi je pridružena, a od juna 2013. i punopravna članica međunarodne asocijacije Evropski Ženski Lobi-European Women’s Lobby.


Facebook: Website: Email [mrezaewlat] Address: Vlajkoviceva 15 Belgrade, Serbia Tel: +381 11 3235592
Mreza za Evropski Zenski Lobi, Serbia
Mreza za Evropski Zenski Lobi, Serbia